12 MCU Characters Who Almost Looked WAY Cooler

11. Dormammu

Though Kaecilius acted as the main antagonist for the majority of Doctor Strange in 2016, it was ultimately revealed that he was merely acting on behalf of Dormammu of the Dark Dimension. The latter is certainly a more recognisable name to comic book fans than Mads Mikkelsen's character, however when he made his appearance on screen, it didn't quite mimic the source material.

One of the key themes throughout the entire movie was an unmistakable psychedelic feel, and that's clearly what the designers went for with Dormammu's giant, almost hypnotic face. Though he was the ruler of the Dark Dimension, Dormammu was almost made to look more human.

Instead of a giant floating head, the character would have had a humanoid body, with arms and legs, while still keeping the weird factor dialed at 10 with his head seemingly fading into nothingness.

This design is almost reminiscent of someone like the Living Tribunal, who was name dropped in the movie himself, and would have almost seemed more intimidating since he would not have needed a giant body to destroy Strange over and over. This even could have been just one form that the character chose to show Doctor Strange, reflecting on the beings of the particular planet he was invading at the time.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.