1. Sergeant Tony Meserve - Casualties Of War
He don't think our VC whore is a VC whore. - Sergeant Tony Meserve
This guy makes number one because he is without a doubt, the worst. There is no way a guy this unhinged would ever make Sergeant, but hey the whole movie Casualties of War is more than a little whacked. The film attempts like other Vietnam pictures to embody the theme of the first casualty of war being innocence. It does this by revolving around a long, tasteless rape sequence. After attacking a village at night and killing everyone, Michael J Fox's squad is alone in the jungle with a Vietnamese girl who the others decide to violate one after another at the urging of Sergeant Meserve (Sean Penn). After Fox disagrees and refuses Meserve threatens to kill him.
Well maybe when I'm through with her, I'm gonna come after you. Maybe when I'm done humping her, I'm gonna come hump you! - Sergeant Tony Meserve
What's also just downright infuriating about Meserve is the way he keeps saying, "VC." He says it about as many times as other movies about the War say the F word all together. Almost every other word out of his mouth is VC. By the end of the movie that alone makes you want to see him brought to justice. There's also the completely ridiculous way he flies off the handle about everything, spouting off ludicrous statements.
Oh, you wanna take an attack posture wit' me? Yeah, you got a weapon. Clark got a weapon, Clark got a knife! We all got weapons! Anybody can blow anybody away, any second. Which is the way it ought to be. Always. - Sergeant Tony Meserve
You said it Sean, I mean, Tony. Do yourself a favor and don't watch Casualties of War. Not only is it not even sort of enjoyable to watch (once again, most of the movie revolves around a giant rape sequence), but it is also just ridiculous and blown out of proportion. Watch Platoon instead, it was written and directed by a guy who actually fought in Vietnam, instead of a guy who spent his time doing anything (literally by his own confession anything) to avoid the draft.