12 More Truly Terrible Extras Who Ruined Their Scenes

4. Possibly The Best Actor In It - The Room

The Room Extra
TPW Films

The Room is obviously notorious for Tommy Wiseau's incredibly... unique approaches to film-making and acting, but yu'll actually struggle to find anyone at all involved who emerges with any credibility. The acting is stunted, the line delivery unintentionally uproarious and the script nonsensical. It's a work of art only in the majesty of how much it gets wrong.

But in amongst all of that garbage lies a genius so far under-appreciated: a lady actor of such incredible skill that she doesn't even let the fact that she has been saddled with expectations to converse without a partner get in the way of her method.

Instead, she ploughs on regardless, simply imagining herself someone to talk to, and becomes by far the best actor in the entire movie...

The Room
TPW Films

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