12 Most Anticipated Captain America: Civil War Moments (Based On What We Know)

7. Picking Teams

After the argument comes the time to pick a side. Will the Avengers be assembled when the gloves come off and Stark and Rogers proceed to split the team right down the middle? It probably won€™t be like picking teams in high school with the more athletic, popular heroes picked first and the ones who don€™t really do a lot (Hawkeye) left until last, but it€™s going to be pretty tense viewing no matter how they choose to approach it. When the line is drawn in the sand, who will stand with who? Well, we pretty much know that already based on the promotional art work released so far, which depicts the two teams set to partake in the impending war. On Team Cap (shown above) we have his old pal Bucky Barnes, Falcon, Hawkeye, new boy Ant-Man and Sharon Carter, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent whom Nick Fury had pose as Cap's neighbour in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Lining up for Team Stark are his suit-buddy War Machine, The Vision, Black Panther, and, most surprisingly, Black Widow. Still, seeing them reach this level will be very exciting.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.