12 Most Deadly Spells In The Harry Potter Universe

11. Molly Weasley's Curse

molly weasley
Warner Bros

While the Weasley's are presented as something of a joke in the wizarding world - at least by those pure blood wizards who go in for the whole Magic Is Might mentality - they're a prodigiously talented lot. Charlie is one of the world's leading dragon experts, Bill was headboy and goes on to be a Curse Breaker and erm... Ron's a really good goalkeeper. Their mother is arguably the most powerful of the lot, judging by her use of a spell that seems entirely unique to her.

Just as Lily Potter's protection charm on Harry that saved his life wasn't necessarily a recognised spell and was amplified by her love, Molly displays an extraordinary feat of magic in killing Bellatrix Lestrange thanks to the same power source. When Lestrange threatens Ginny, Molly kills her with an unspoken, unidentified spell with no tell-tale flash of green that kills her - and in the films, the effect is emphasised even more when it makes Bellatrix disintegrate.

We still don't know quite what the spell is, but it's clearly a fearsome one.

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