12 Most Deadly Spells In The Harry Potter Universe

6. Confringo

Confringo Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Fire is a running theme in these deadly spells for obvious reasons and Confringo - rather less eloquently called the Blasting Curse sometimes - joins that particular pile.

The spell causes the target to explode and burst into flames and is a powerful enough spell to be the reason Harry Potter's wand was broken. We've seen it a few times in the movies and there is also a pretty compelling suggestion that it's the spell that Peter Pettigrew used to kill 12 muggles in his attempt to escape the Ministry Of Magic.

More tangibly, it's the spell Hermione tries to kill Nagini with in Godric's Hollow in the Deathly Hallows and it's a deadly enough choice to be the one Voldemort also attempted to kill Harry with when he reveals he's alive at the end of the same book. But then, of course a spell capable of exploding a person would be.

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