12 Most Disposable Films Of 2015

2. Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No

When Steven Spielberg released Jaws in 1975, he had no way of knowing that €œit€ would come to €œthis.€ Depending upon your tolerance for this franchise, the Sharknado films are either the most entertaining entries in a barrel-scraping subgenre or exactly the kind of movies that our trivia-obsessed, short attention span culture deserves. The €œjoke€ is that these movies aren€™t meant to be good, which allows the filmmakers to get away with crap gags, rubbish effects and moronic storylines for the third time. This sequel does open with a bang, however, as the President takes on a Sharknado armed with grenades and machine guns. There€™s even a sequence that€™d do Roland Emmerich proud (if he had a $1.98 budget) when the Washington Monument crashes down on The White House. Then they ruin everything by relocating the action to Orlando, where €œcelebrities€ (Jerry Springer, Penn and Teller, Jedward €“ this is the SyFy Channel, after all) phone in €œhilarious€ cameos. Just as it becomes tiresome, the filmmakers come up with a foolproof way of grabbing your attention €“ they send David Hasselhoff into space to kill sharks.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'