12 Most F*cked Up Movie Marketing Campaigns

11. The Blair Witch Project's Convincing Website

It might seem like a pretty basic marketing campaign compared to today€™s elaborate efforts, but what The Blair Witch Project did back in 1998 was really quite ground-breaking and no doubt set the standard for many campaigns in the future. They set up a website, which is actually still online today, populated with information about the Blair Witch myth and missing filmmakers complete with photographic €˜evidence€™ and footage alongside posting details of the mock missing persons case in online forums to further stir the hype. And it worked: when the film was released it grossed almost $250 million internationally on its tiny budget of just $60,000. What was so messed-up about it? Well, because of the film€™s found footage style and the campaign€™s presenting and propagating of it as truth online people weren€™t actually sure if Blair Witch was real or not. Consumers might not be so naïve today, but back in the days of dial-up internet it was quite believable.

Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.