12 Most Fearsome Giants In Cinema

7. TK, Tom Yum Goong (2005)

Realistically, any role played by Nathan Jones could have taken this spot; for years, the Aussie titan has been filmmakers' first choice for roles that require lots of charging at people really hard and realistic delivery of lines like, "RRRRRAGHHHHHH." However, he likely did these things best in this Thai martial arts epic. Jones plays TK, a Western wrestler hired by Vietnamese and Chinese gangsters working with corrupt officials in the Thai and Australian government to beat up a guy trying to find a kidnapped elephant. Ahem. Jones is in rare form, especially in a very atmospheric battle in a burning temple. Near the film's climax, the stakes are raised when TK reappears, flanked by two MORE gigantic white dudes, to throw a baby elephant through a window. This offense drives the hero to new heights of fury, and he defeats the assembled giants by cutting their tendons with the broken bones of the kidnapped elephant's mother. Tom Yum Goong is nuts, incidentally.

Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.