12 Most Overlooked Horror Films Since 2000

7. Deadheads (2011)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZK6gZn38yQ Brett & Drew Pierce€™s debut feature contains all the slapstick, entrails and gross-out gags you€™d expect from the sons of Bart Pierce, the guy who handled special effects photography on The Evil Dead (which is seen playing at a Drive-in). A festival favourite, Deadheads picked up numerous awards on the circuit, including Best Comedy in Toronto, deservedly so as it€™s funnier than most studio pictures. Having been dead for three years, Brent (Ross Kidder) realizes he€™s missed the Transformers movies, which is all that worries him about returning from the grave. But his buddy Mike (Michael McKiddy) has just found the wedding ring he was going to put on his girlfriend€™s finger, which sets him wondering what his old flame might be doing and what she might see in him now he resembles Bub€™s bespectacled bro. So begins a road trip in search of this lost love, during which our heroes are joined by Cheese, a non-speaking zombie of the traditional variety, as well as a Nam veteran who carries the ashes of his prostitute wife. If you€™re tired of The Walking Dead, you need to watch this movie.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'