12 Most Underrated Horror Movies From The 2000s

3. Bad Biology

Born with 7 clitorises, Jennifer (Charlee Danielson) needs orgasms the way a junkie needs a fix, and after each one night stand she gives birth to €œan unfinished mutant baby€ that ends up in a dumpster. She meets her match in Batz (Anthony Sneed), who began injecting steroids into his heart€™s delight as a teenager and now has an XXL member that can tap out Morse code when it needs feeding. After witnessing a hooker experience an €œeverlasting orgasm€ courtesy of Batz€™s gift, Jennifer decides she€™s found Mr Right and tries to become his latest conquest, which is when his pride and joy detaches and slithers away in pursuit of underwear models. Financed and co-written by underground rapper R.A. €œThe Rugged Man€ Thorburn and directed by the legendary Frank Henenlotter (Basket Case, Frankenhooker), Bad Biology was shot at the tail end of Dubya€™s presidency, and its remit appears to have been to offend as many Republicans as possible. A film where showering starlets are attacked by a penis monster, Bad Biology is the kind of movie that the characters from Basket Case would€™ve paid to see.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'