12 Most Underrated Horror Movies Of The 1970s

9. The Manitou (1978)

Nosferatu 1979
Anchor Bay

A horror film for anyone who gets slightly worried if they think they suddenly find a new mole on their skin, The Manitou follows a poor woman with a large tumor on her neck. Doctors scan the growth and find out it is the fetus of a vengeful native American shaman coming back to take down the white men that stole his people's land.

Yes, you read that correctly.

If you can get past the utter absurdity of the plot, the Manitou is an exceptionally fun ride. It builds slowly over the runtime with the main characters trying to enlist help to get rid of the parasite threatening them all.

There are supernatural suicides, a classic darkly lit seance, and more explosions than you would ever expect to find in an exorcism film. The true highlight however is the bombastic climax where all rules are thrown out the window.

The last 20 minutes comprises of pure craziness as the shaman awakes and a giant showdown begins to defeat it. You just have no clue what will happen next as your senses are bombarded with the spectacle of it all, and the special effects look fantastic for a film 42 years old.

If you want a film you can sit back and marvel at with friends, The Manitou is the film for you.


Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.