12 Movie Remakes That Completely Screwed Up Iconic Scenes

10. The Ending - The Departed

The Departed Mark Wahlberg
Warner Bros Pictures

The Original: The original Hong Kong film, Infernal Affairs, is bleak to its final frame. It ends with Inspector Lau, a mole in the police force, having undercover cop Chan killed, while he manages to erase any links that might identify him as the bad guy. The final moments of the film indicate Lau's respect for Chan in the end, and how he appears to regret the loss of life that took place. It's a grim and yet brilliantly philosophical note on which to end the movie.

The Remake: Save for its ending, I find Martin Scorsese's The Departed to be superior in every way, from the script to the actors, the musical choices and so on. The film appears to be wrapping up in similar fashion to the original, as mole Sullivan (Matt Damon) has undercover cop Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) killed, and seems to have gotten away with it.

This being a Hollywood movie, though, things can't end there, and Scorsese tacks on an additional scene in which Sullivan returns home only to find suspended cop Dignam (Mark Wahlberg) waiting for him, wearing surgical shoes and pointing a gun. Dignam kills Sullivan and the movie ends, with everything nicely tied up in a neat bow.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.