12 Movies That Could Have Had Awesome Sequels

1. Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)

HellboyUniversal PicturesGuillermo del Toro is a director that always seems to have at least a dozen different projects going on simultaneously whether it be via film, television or books. Currently working on Crimson Peak, the fact that Pacific Rim 2 recently landed an April 17 release date makes it increasingly unlikely that we'll ever see a fitting conclusion to the Hellboy franchise. The director's appreciation for the source material is apparent when watching the two Hellboy movies, blockbusters that blend elements of the sci-fi, fantasy and superhero genres together while also providing large-scale action set-pieces, plenty of character moments and no shortage of heart and humor. Of course, like every del Toro production the world is beautifully designed and stunningly realized, with each frame bursting with imagination. In an era where the comic book movie now is the go-to option for studios looking for a hit, it is most likely the lukewarm box office performance of the franchise so far that has stalled any attempts for a third entry; Hellboy earned less than $100m worldwide against a $65m budget, while the $85m sequel grossed $160.4m. For years, both del Toro and star Ron Perlman have expressed their desire to make Hellboy III but with the director busy until 2017 and a lead actor that's now 64 years old, the chances of seeing it are diminishing with every passing year.

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