12 Movies Friends Stars Want You To Forget

10. Lost In Space

ed matt le blanc
New Line Cinema

The One With the Spaceship.

Of all the male Friends, none seemed like such a no-brainer for a switch to the movies like hunky Matt LeBlanc, with his good looks and fantastic comic timing. One of LeBlanc's most high-profile projects was the 1994 reboot of sci-fi TV series Lost in Space.

LeBlanc played spaceman Don West, love interest for eldest Robinson daughter Judy (Heather Graham). With its top-notch special effects and high-profile cast (William Hurt! Gary Oldman as the film's villain!) Lost in Space should have marked LeBlanc's transition from TV to movies.

Alas, the thing is more widely known as a massive dud, thanks to its boring story and unmemorable characters. LeBlanc certainly doesn't come out unscathed either - impossible to take seriously as the stoic, uncharismatic West. Not the best use of LeBlanc's charm or comedy chops.

While LeBlanc doesn't exactly embarrass himself here, Lost in Space (28% on Rotten Tomatoes) in no way launched the film career the former Friend must have been hoping for. Widely regarded as one of the worse TV-to-movie adaptations, this dud proved a disappointing start for the most promising Friend.

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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.