12 Movies That Cleverly Gave Away Their Twists Early

2. The Flash Of "Sammy" - Memento

Lenny Memento
Summit Entertainment

The Twist

Memento's twist is one of the most emotionally devastating in film history as it reveals that the character you've believed is the hero all along was, in fact, the self-same "villain" he's been seeking for killing his wife.

Eventually, we learn that Leonard accidentally killed his wife because his amnesiac condition led to him administering too many insulin shots to her, and that an undercover cop has been manipulating him into killing people he believes were the second attacker in his wife's supposed murder.

The Reveal

it's all very complex because of the way the narrative plays out, but Christopher Nolan tells us that Leonard and Sammy - the fellow amnesiac case who accidentally killed his wife - are one and the same person. Throughout the film, Leonard relates the story of Sammy in black and white scenes, which appear not to be connected directly to the main narrative.

But for one moment, Sammy actually transforms into Leonard during one of the flashback scenes, confirming that Leonard was the one who accidentally killed his wife.


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