12 Movies That Cleverly Gave Away Their Twists Early

5. The Kitchen - Get Out

Get Out Georgina

The Twist

In one of the best twists in recent years, the end of Get Out reveals that the creepy community that Chris Washington is invited into to meet his girlfriend Rose's parents is in fact in the business of body-snatching. They steal the bodies of young black people - tricked into visiting the community by Rose, at which point they're hypnotised and have their brains removed.

The Reveal

It's pretty subtle, but there's a big hint to Chris early on in his trip that points towards the community's true nefarious nature. As he's given a tour of the Armitage household, the family's patriarch says that the kitchen was his mother's favourite part of the house.

Crucially, he also says they "keep a piece of her" in there, just as Georgina appears on screen, who of course now has the dead grandmother's brain in her head. Nice.


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