12 Movies That Made You Work Out The Answer Yourself

7. Lost In Translation

Lost In Translation Bill Murray Scarlet Johannson Ending
Focus Features/Momentum Pictures

The Question: What did Bob (Bill Murray) whisper in Charlotte's (Scarlett Johansson) ear?

When asked about the famously ambiguous ending to her film, writer-director Sofia Coppola stated that the line was improvised by Bill Murray himself, and only he and Scarlett Johansson know exactly what he said.

A video emerged online in 2007 which claimed to reveal the whisper through post-processing techniques - with Murray apparently saying, "I have to be leaving, but I won't let that come between us. Okay?" - yet the muddy quality of the audio means it's hardly definitive proof.

While there have been countless other attempts by Internet sleuths to decode the source audio, not one of them has been especially convincing. We know he says something poignant and meaningful, but beyond that, it's forever destined to be a mystery.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.