12 Movies That Tricked You Into Thinking They Had Happy Endings

10. Looper - Cid Is Still Going To Be Mentally Scarred By All This

Looper Rainmaker
TriStar Pictures/FilmDistrict

The Allegedly Happy Ending: If you have ever fancied seeing Bruce Willis running around killing kids then Looper is the movie to you. A film brimming with high concepts, it really expands over multiple viewings; the time-assassins the marketing leaned on aren€™t totally essential to the story.

The plot can be distilled down to a Terminator-esque conceit; Old Joe (Bruce Willis) travels back in time to kill big gangster The Rainmaker as a child. Realising these events will actually lead to the villain's creation, Young Joe (Joseph Gordon Levitt) rewrites Willis out of time by killing himself. Self sacrifice to save the future and all that.

The Depressing Truth: You know little about the future beyond Bruce Willis'€™ family life, with next to no light shed on The Rainmaker himself. What little information you do have comes from the diner scene; he has a synthetic jaw and saw his Mom die, which the ending supposedly averts. But aren'€™t those moments events that have happened to Cid in this new timeline too?

You know from a few references that his TK abilities (oh yeah, there€™s telekinesis in this film too) killed his (adoptive) mother and even though Willis couldn't kill him he still shot a hole in his cheek. So Young Joe€™s sacrifice may not have changed anything. And if it did Cid is still going to be pretty messed up (as if he wasn't already).


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.