12 Movies That Tried Too Hard To Innovate (And Sucked Anyway)

1. Fantastic Four

Ang Lee's Hulk
20th Century Fox

And you thought Hulk (2003) was bad.

This Fantastic Four reboot is one of the worst superhero films ever. An arty, downbeat and dialogue-driven affair with far too much talking and virtually no action whatsoever (the Fantastic Four spend most of it stuck inside an army base), this certainly subverted our expectations but it then forgot to come up with a compelling story or anything even mildly entertaining.

While it's true that darker and more experimental superhero films (such as The Dark Knight Trilogy and Logan) have been doing well recently, the Fantastic Four has always been a more light-hearted property and they weren't suited to this approach at all. Largely thanks to its insistence on being gloomy, drab, charmless and gritty, this was an intolerable bore from start to finish.

It's likely this would've been better had it stuck to the comics and been a bit more fun. Whether you blame writer-director Josh Trank or the subsequent studio interference, this is definitely one of the most calamitous blockbuster failures of all time and a firm reminder that sometimes sticking to the basics is best.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.