12 Movies You Constantly Have To Defend Loving

7. House Of The Dead

Dr Uwe Boll achieved instant notoriety with this video game adaptation, which if nothing else has a shot at being the best bad movie of the last 20 years. When they€™re not drinking beer or wandering around naked, a group of €˜teenagers€™ recruit a sailor named Captain Kirk and his hook-handed assistant to take them to Isla Del Morte (€œthat€™s Death Island in case you don€™t speak Mexican€), little realizing that it's overrun by zombies. This leads to randomly inserted video game footage, cheesy €˜bullet time€™ effects ripped off from The Matrix and voiceover intended to plug gaps in the narrative, all of which suggests a straight-to-video movie that lucked out with a theatrical release. If you forget the plot and just enjoy it for the stupid situations and dumb dialogue (€œYou created it all so you could be immortal €“ why?€ €œTo live forever!€), then House Of The Dead is by far Boll€™s most entertaining film. In a perfect world, all €œbad€ movies would be this much fun.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'