12 Nightmarish Sci-Fi Movie Scenes That Freaked You Out

8. Neo Is Interrogated - The Matrix

The Matrix
Warner Bros

There are many scenes in The Matrix that could be considered nightmarish. The very idea that humans are grown by machines to act as slaves is horrifying in itself.

However, there's one particular scene in the film's first act which really sets us up for what Neo has to go through for the rest of the film. After being contacted by Trinity, Neo is captured by the Agents and interogated about Morpehus. As he refuses to co-operate, he suddenly finds himself unable to speak, his mouth sown shut (presumably by a Matrix-run programme), while a creepy machine-like tracker forces its way into his body.

While the scene was initially believed to be a dream by Neo (he later wakes up in his bed unharmed), the tracker is later removed from Neo meaning that the whole thing was real all along (or as real as The Matrix can make something). It really shows what the humans are up against and what The Matrix is capable of.

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The Matrix
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Jamie is a freelance broadcast journalist and writer, with a particular obsession for sci-fi, theatre and politics. In his spare time he enjoys amateur dramatics and making homemade curries.