12 Past MCU Easter Eggs That Will Mean Something In Phase 4

2. "I Call Him Adam" - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2

Ada Warlock Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2
Marvel Studios

The Easter Egg

Having been thwarted and embarrassed by the Guardians who disrespected her people, Ayesha took the opportunity in a post-credits scene to unveil her new secret weapon: a special breed of genetically modified Sovereign citizen.

She mentions she will call him Adam, confirming that he is in fact Adam Warlock.

How It Will Come Back

It seems likely that Warlock will be the villain of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3, but if we're going to see the same storyline as the comics, he'll turn his back on his original objectives and strike out on his own as a hero.

Hopefully that might mean we'll get to see his own movie later in Phase 4 too.


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