12 Past MCU Easter Eggs That Will Mean Something In Phase 4

11. Scorpion - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Michael Mando Scorpion
Marvel Studios

The Easter Egg

Though he appears very briefly as one of the Vulture's weapons-buying customers, Mac Gargan is a blink and you'll miss it presence throughout most of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

That is until the post-credits, when it turns out that the comic book Scorpion has revenge against Peter Parker on his mind, and he's likely going to strong-arm the Vulture into helping him with his augmentations to become the supervillain he was on the page.

How It Will Come Back

That post-credits basically seeds the return of Scorpion as the villain in the Spider-Man sequel (and that's no bad thing). Whether he'll be the big bad remains to be seen though, as Marvel have a habit of only seeding first act villains. But at least we should get to see him in a toned down version of his suit.


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