12 Perfect Stories Affleck's Solo Batman Movie Must Adapt

1. The Killing Joke

DC Comics

Look, there's no doubting that making The Killing Joke for a live action movie audience would be a taxing task, given the story's darkness and the absolute need for an R Rating, but we're already heading towards this territory anyway.

The DC Cinematic Universe has already given us a murderous Superman, a kill-happy Batman and a Joker with a particular penchant for torture, so making the next jump to Barbara Gordon's paralysis isn't all that far. It might be a little difficult to watch, but The Killing Joke is considered a seminal comic - and the Joker's finest moment - for a reason.

Those actions - and the conscious attempt to torture Batman and Commissioner Gordon by making them impotent in Barbara's near murder also sounds exactly like the kind of thing this Joker would revel in.

We've now got an actor - in JK Simmons - who will sell that awful story brilliantly, and if Affleck can channel some of David Fincher's nerve-stripping atmosphere from Gone Girl, we could have quite the masterpiece.

What do you most want to see from Ben Affleck's solo Batman movie? Share your thoughts and reactions below in the comments thread.


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