12 Potential Post-Credits Scenes For Avengers: Age Of Ultron

12. Thanos Continuing His Search For The Infinity Stones

Since grinning at the camera in The Avengers' mid-credits scene, things have been quiet on the Thanos front. He popped up in Guardians Of The Galaxy to give Josh Brolin a chance to growl Palpatine-style threats, but now the Earth's Mightiest Heroes big showdown with the Mad Titan is pencilled in for 2018/2019 in Avengers: Infinity Wars, it's about time he got a bit more development. There is admittedly something rather boring about repeating the same trick as the previous film, which makes a Thanos sting in Age Of Ultron rather unlikely. Even he's doing more than sitting in a chair (getting ahold of his first Infinity Stone?), it wouldn't feel like there's been much progression since 2012. Still, rumours that Thanos will have some part to play in Age Of Ultron have been persistent since the film was announced. Joss Whedon's already spinning a lot of plate, but there's a slim chance he could cameo in the movie proper (that'd sock it to all those who are bemoaning the trailers revealing too much). If not, there's a good bet he'll be part of the mid-credits scene, although maybe not as the whole focus (he could easily fit into some of the later proposed scenes). Likelihood: 4/10 (solo) 8/10 (as part of a bigger scene)

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.