12 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About Star Wars: The Last Jedi

3. The Editing Could've Been Better

Star Wars The Last Jedi Rey Kylo Ren

There's no doubting that assembling a Star Wars movie to be exciting and coherent is no easy feat, but The Last Jedi's editing did leave more than a little to be desired.

Though many fans have pointed to the film's Canto Bight sequence as dragging on far too long (or even being completely superfluous), the movie's real problem is the abundance of cross-cutting when major characters are separated from one another.

Johnson makes some editing choices that undermine the tension at numerous points: in the middle of Rey's confrontation with Snoke, he cuts away elsewhere, lessening that desperate suspense and frustrating the audience, who are probably more keen to stay with this scene.

The same thing happens in the final standoff between Kylo Ren and Luke: Johnson cuts away for an extended period before returning, and with the characters still stood in exactly the same place, it feels both frustrating and jarring.

Johnson clearly had a lot he wanted to cram into the movie, but he might've been better advised to kill a few of his darlings, so to speak, or at least rethink the structure somewhat.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.