12 Questions You Should Be Asking About Upcoming Movies

2. How Weird Is It Going? - IT: Chapter Two

 It Pennywise
Warner Bros. Pictures

One of the best things Andy Muschietti did for the first IT movie was the way he chose to adapt Stephen King's source material, focusing more tightly on the Losers Club than on the mythology of It. That allowed him to tap into the Stranger Things vibe that was selling so well at the time and meant he could avoid exploring some of the stranger things in King's writing.

It was a genius move, but now we're told that the sequel is going to push those boundaries more. For anyone who saw the original mini-series adaptation, it's hard not to be concerned that we're going to get another awful spider-crab monster moment, or that Muschietti will delve too far into the Macroverse stuff that would make this an entirely different movie.

Hopefully, he'll find balance between pushing the envelope and faithful adaptation, but it's a little worrying.


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