12 Really Stupid Decisions In Comic Book Movie History

9. Thor Defies Odin To Invade Jotunheim - Thor

thor jotunheim
Marvel Studios

The whole point of Thor in his first movie is that he's a big sexy space jock who likes smashing heads and protecting the honour of Asgard by killing literally thousands of people. He's a law unto himself and the plot revolves around him learning humility in order to prove himself worthy.

In order to get there, he has to do the opposite first, which all hinges on him being a massive, beautiful idiot and trying to unsettle pease in the Nine Realms despite his father's insistence he butt out. After the Frost Giants invade Asgard to try and steal the Casket of Ancient Winters from odin's vault of trophies and fake things, Thor reciprocates to challenge Laufey over the disrespect.

Naturally, there's a battle and the Asgardians - the Warriors Three, Sif and Loki alongside Thor - are outnumbered and Odin has to intervene before angrily banishing Thor and stripping him of his powers.


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