12 Really Stupid Decisions In Comic Book Movie History

4. Why Not Just Use Cerebro On Magneto's Sidekicks? - X-Men

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20th Century Fox

Having something as powerful as Cerebro to help you monitor all mutants in the world is all well and good, but as soon as someone develops a special helmet to block out the only things it does, you're up the creek without a panel.

That's why Professor Xavier has issues with finding Magneto, whose personally-developed headgear is basically his get out of jail free card. Given that his plan involves an act of genocide against non-mutants and Xavier really doesn't want a war between mutants and humans, that's really frustrating for Professor X.

So why the hell doesn't he just use his super-power brain-sweeper to pick up either of the two mutants constantly standing right beside Magneto? Everywhere he goes, he has Toad and Sabretooth on each shoulder, which Xavier knows, so why he decides not to track them to find their boss is just baffling.


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