12 Reasons Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Disappointment
4. The Biggest Moment Is Ultimately Glossed Over
There are a number of iconic, intense moments in the movie, one in particular of which is going to be a major talking point for fans: the death of series veteran Han Solo at the hands of his son, Kylo Ren. It's unquestionably a brilliant moment, arguably the best in the entire film, but the followthrough just isn't quite there: we don't really get to see the characters react in a believable way to it, and by the time the film ends, it feels suddenly forgotten. We get to see an angry Chewbacca and a few shots of a forlorn Leia, but that's it: it feels like this one was trimmed down massively in the editing room for time constraints. Yes, there's a lot to cram in, but again, this goes back to it feeling rushed: after this scene happens, we need some time to soak things in before anything else happens, but instead the film quickly races onto the next scene, and it's immensely frustrating. Given the implications it has for the series, it deserves to eat up a little screen time, even if it meant the film wound up being 140-150 minutes. But perhaps Abrams had a contract with Disney which forbade it being longer than a certain run-time, given how that could affect the box office and all...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
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