11. Weirdly Prophetic
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRc74lg5W4I Now, I don't usually go for those "prophecy" videos you find on YouTube. You know the ones where they show a TV show or movie from the past and demonstrate how that TV show or film predicted the death of this person or the eventual fall of civilization. Save you're weird theories for the street corner soapbox and leave YouTube alone so I can watch my "nut shot" videos in peace. Still, I couldn't help but get some spooky chills while I was doing research for this article, and ran across this classic scene from The Cable Guy. Some person on YouTube dubbed it as prophetic, specifically in how it predicted the rapid growth of technology and its ability to connect people from all over the world. You can still count me as part of the skeptic camp as far as prophecy videos are concerned, but suffice to say, I'm a little creeped out by the accuracy displayed in the scene.
Raymond Keith Woods
Raymond Woods is too busy watching movies to give you a decent bio. If he wasn't too busy watching movies and reading books about movies and listening to podcasts about movies, this is what he'd tell you. "I know more about film than you. Accept this as a fact and we might be able to talk."
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