12 Recent Movie Sequels That Outrageously Ruined Great Characters

5. Toy Story 4 - Where To Begin?

Agent Smith Matrix

On its own terms, Toy Story 4 is a perfectly good film, even if it was over-praised at the time of its release. As a sequel, however, it is something of a train wreck, and almost none of the past characters were treated with the respect they deserved.

Honestly, where to begin?

Woody (Tom Hanks), once the epitome of loyalty and inner strength, is now a complete wimp who abandons his kid just because she didn't play with him for a few days, while Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), once a smart and capable leader, is now a complete idiot and a total cypher of his former self.

Still, at least those two get something to do. In contrast, nearly all of the toys we know and love - Rex, Slinky Dog, Hamm, Mr and Mrs Potato Head - are completely side-lined in favour of some fairly uninteresting new characters and Bo Peep (Annie Potts), who was always one of the less developed characters in the original trilogy.

Still, they even managed to ruin her, as she's quite snarky for most of the film and the fact that Woody would rather stay with her than with the other characters makes even less sense as a result.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.