12 Scariest Movie Moments Of 2017

3. "No, No, No" - Get Out

Get Out Georgina

There are a ton of disquieting scenes in Jordan Peele's masterful horror film, but nothing comes close to the creepy subtlety of protagonist Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) being confronted by the Armitage's black housekeeper Georgina (Betty Gabriel).

After Chris accuses her of tampering with his phone, she shows up to explain herself, and though the situation seems to be diffused, Chris triggers something deep within Georgina when he mentions that being around too many white people makes him nervous.

Georgina begins to cry before laughing hysterically and repeatedly telling Chris, "No, no, no, no, no", and insisting that the Armitages treat them just like family.

Once it's revealed that the Armitages are in fact using black people as vessels for the brains of old white people, the context of the scene becomes much more clear: the real Georgina is trying to come to the surface from "the sunken place", wrestling with her body's host, Rose's (Allison Williams) grandmother.

This is a rare instance of a horror movie that's arguably scarier on a second viewing once the full extent of its mysteries are made clear: we now know exactly what's going in on Georgina's head, and it's absolutely terrifying.

Betty Gabriel's performance combines with some fantastically sly writing to make this a deeply disturbing movie moment with real depth to it. After all, did you realise that "Georgina" doesn't know what the word "snitch" means because she's being controlled by the brain of an old white woman? How clever.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.