12 Sci Fi Films That Will Melt Your Brain

7. The Lawnmower Man

Cameron Diaz The Box
New Line Cinema

How’s this for a surreal pitch—Flowers for Algernon meets Altered States.

Yes, in a film which has nothing to do with the (also bizarre, but very different) Stephen King story it’s named after, The Lawnmower Man fuses early and hilariously outdated CGI effects work with the strange story of a simple man whose consciousness is uploaded to some form of early neural network, only for all manner of sci-fi madness to occur as a result.

Unlike a lot of this list, it’s hard to tell whether this one was intended to be trippy or just forgot to include explanations for its many strange turns, but it’s a singularly bizarre piece of genre cinema regardless.

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The-Box Sci-Fi
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