12 Sci-Fi Movies That NOBODY Understands
6. Total Recall
Yes, this flick may initially appear far more mainstream than most of the bonkers movies appearing on this list, but remember the criteria—we’re talking about movies that NOBODY understands, and it’s our firm belief that virtually no viewers of this gory high-octane action thriller actually deciphered its meaning.
Much like Robocop director Paul Verhoeven’s other sci-fi satire Starship Troopers, many critics and audiences alike missed the layer of irony pervading this thrill ride, and the subtle clues throughout the flick that all is not as it appears. Some critics argue that the film—the intense, violent plot, the exciting chases and fights, the whole revolution—is the mental vacation Arnie’s beleaguered protagonist was sent on, and that none of it is really happening.
Canny viewers will recognize that this’s the twist in Rick and Morty’s season 3 offering The Ricklantis Mixup, but we’re certain Blade Runner scribe Philip K Dick came up with it first.