12 Shocking Implications Of 2017 Movies You Totally Missed

11. Thor Has Changed The World's View Of Religion - Spider-Man: Homecoming

Thor Ragnarok Work
Marvel Studios

There's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in Spider-Man: Homecoming which intriguingly nods towards the wider impact of superheroes and Gods showing up on Earth.

When Peter (Tom Holland) and May (Marisa Tomei) go out for dinner, the building to the right of the Thai restaurant they're frequenting has a large Korean logo with smaller text below it reading, "Korean Church of Asgard."

Though this is essentially intended as a throwaway Easter egg, it is a slyly important piece of world-building, in that it suggests how the world of religion and belief has changed since the likes of Thor and Loki have made their presence known on Earth.

These visible, tangible Gods are the new pillars of worship, and are likely even siphoning believers away from mainstream religions more reliant on faith than, well, actually seeing a guy use his magic hammer to destroy evildoers.

This aspect of MCU lore will likely never be fleshed out in any substantial way, but it's fascinating food-for-thought all the same, and hopefully more nods like this will be included in future films.

Thor Spider Man Homecoming
Marvel Studios

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.