12 Shocking Implications Of 2017 Movies You Totally Missed

9. "Walter" Loves Running For One Creepy Reason - Get Out

Get Out Walter

One of the most iconic scenes from Jordan Peele's incredible horror-satire sees the Armitage's housekeeper Walter (Marcus Henderson) running towards Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) in the middle of the night.

Though at first this seems like some random creepy horror movie nonsense, it's subtly revealed to have an incredibly important meaning later in the movie.

The third act reveals that Rose's (Allison Williams) grandfather Roman has taken control of the real Walter's body, and the reason for the running? Because as a youngster - and a white man at that - he was beaten by Jesse Owens when attempting to qualify to race in the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

Roman never got over his failure, and some 80 years later, he's hoping that he can use the body of a black man to become the runner he never could as a white man. This is never explained verbally as it would in a more conventional movie, but it's clearly Peele's intent.

It's one of those brilliant details that evaded most people on their first viewing, but the second or third time around, it might reveal itself in an extremely satisfying - if disturbing - lightbulb moment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.