12 Shocking Implications Of 2017 Movies You Totally Missed

5. Consent Doesn't Matter If You're Hot & Female - Batman & Harley Quinn

Batman And Harley Quinn
Warner Bros.

This past summer's DC animated film Batman and Harley Quinn featured a number of questionable scenes that placed Harley in objectionable, sexist poses, though the most alarming actually involved her kinda-sorta-maybe raping Nightwing aka Dick Grayson.

After Harley beats Nightwing in a fight, she brings him back to her apartment and ties him to the bed, before she strips down to her skimpy underwear.

After Harley realises that Dick is, ahem, erect, he tells her, "Don't get any ideas", but she ignores him, turns the lights off, straddles him and the rest, as they say, is history.

Just imagine if the scene was played the other way: it'd be called out as creepy and rapey at best, but because of the societal presumption that all men are dum-dums who want nothing but sex, and an erection is tantamount to consent, this scene is "fine", apparently.

The main issue is that scenes like this have no business being in a Batman movie, and it just feels like pandering fan service for 12-year-old boys, while not exactly sending them a terrific message about consent either.

Batman And Harley Quinn Nightwing
Warner Bros.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.