12 Star Wars Graphic Novels You Must Read Before You Die

3. Thank The Maker

Star Wars Darth Vader Comic
Dark Horse Comics

Wasn't it absolutely bizarre when it was revealed in The Phantom Menace that Anakin Skywalker had built C-3PO? How had this never come up before?!

Well, in the story "Thank the Maker," that mind-bending twist is given context and time to breathe. Set during the Empire's invasion of Cloud City, the story jumps between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and those that happened before The Phantom Menace, as Darth Vader sets eyes on the broken remains of the droid he lovingly assembled so many years ago.

As C-3PO's pieces are first remanded to the scrap heap, then Imperial custody, and then the hands of Chewbacca, we get the smallest glimpse of who Vader once was. In its simplicity and poignancy, it seamlessly bridges one of the gaps between the prequels and the original trilogy.


Author, puzzle guy, and lifelong consumer of pop culture. I'm a nerd for wrestling, Star Wars, literature, trivia, and all sorts of other things. Feel free to mock and/or praise me and my scribblings at @glennmandirect on Twitter.