12 Surprisingly Good Movies From 2015 (So Far)

2. Insidious Chapter 3

What Everyone Expected: After the near-incoherent mess that was Insidious Chapter 2, not much at all. Why would a third film signal a rebound for the series, a horror franchise no less, that's keen to just churn out as many middle-of-the-road entries as possible before fans start getting bored and stop going to see them, right? What It Was: It's fair to say that Insidious Chapter 3 is far from a great film, and frankly, it only scarcely qualifies as a good film, but the crucial thing here is that it greatly surpassed expectations that it was going to be an absolute train-wreck. The key to Insidious 3's success is the return of Lin Shaye as Elise Rainer, the franchise's resident medium who has pretty much been the series' prime source of entertainment so far. She continues that trend in part three, as a large portion of the plot serves as an origin story for her, further developing her character with a ton of added back story, all while serving up the jump scares and nutty thrills fans expect. From the plot to the scares themselves, it's not exactly unpredictable, but it's a serious step back up to the quality of the first movie, and provides hope that the inevitable fourth film also might not be an utter disaster.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.