12 Terrible Movies That Blew Awesome Concepts

9. Hancock

Hancock Will Smith Jason Bateman
Columbia Pictures

The Pitch

What if a guy with superpowers (Will Smith) was a suicidally depressed alcoholic who caused millions of dollars in property damage and was more a super-scourge than a superhero?

In 2008 the hype was certainly real for this ahead-of-its-time black comedy superhero film, boasting a stonking $150 million budget and killer cast (also including Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron).

What Went Wrong

As is so often the case with big-budget movies, a brilliant original idea had most of its edges planed away during production.

Hancock is based off a script called Tonight, He Comes, which spent the better part of a decade being passed around Hollywood before it was finally re-written into what would become Hancock.

And during that process, the R-rated tone was re-worked in favour of a broader, more "family-friendly" one, with the narrative focus shifted to a more convoluted and sentimental plot involving Charlize Theron's Mary.

Though it's generally accepted that Hancock begins solidly, things take a sharp turn at the mid-way point, with an increasingly contrived and offputting number of revelations which over-complicate a fairly straight-forward character study.

In a post-Deadpool world, it's easier to imagine studios accepting the original script at face value, but back in 2008, the world clearly wasn't quite ready for a more rough-edged vision of superheroism.

Still, Hancock ended up grossing over $620 million worldwide despite mixed-negative reviews, so Columbia probably feels justified in sanitising the project so aggressively.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.