12 Things That Were Really To Blame For Hollywood's Biggest F*ck Ups

11. Oliver Stone Made Alexander "Too Gay"

Alexander is not the sort of film Oliver Stone makes. Oliver Stone makes films for the tinfoil hat brigade, or else he's performing character assassinations on unpopular US presidents. Alexander is a historical swords-and-sandals epic about the real-life Alexander the Great of ancient Greece. Alexander is not the sort of character Colin Farrell plays. Angelina Jolie is not old enough to play Colin Farrell's mum. Val Kilmer should probably not be appearing in films full stop nowadays, unless Shane Black's directing. And yet all of these things happened in a beautiful confluence of terrible ideas which failed with the cinema-going public, failed with critics, and earned six nominations at the Golden Raspberry Awards. Historians pointed out countless factual inaccuracies in the biopic, the reviews noted all the strange casting choices, and audiences yawned at the unnecessarily epic 175 minute run time. Stone himself, true to form, dreamt up a different reason for Alexander's complete and utter failure: it was too gay. Stone blamed "raging fundamentalism in morality" for the film's US box-office failure, what with the hints at Alexander's historical homosexuality €“ something group of 25 Greek lawyers did threaten to sue the director and Warner Bros over €“ and that the reason people didn't see the movie was cos they were similarly homophobic. Yep, that'll be it.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/