12 Things You Didn't Know About The Evil Dead Movies
5. Apparently The Sets Are Very Romantic

Any number of celebrity (or not-so-celebrity) relationships are born from film sets. And why not? If you spend most of your time around them, it's where you're likely to meet people. Actors date other actors, or crew members, because that's the majority of the people they're hanging out with day-to-day. Not with regular folks, but fellow showbiz people.
Romantic tensions ran even higher on the set of the first Evil Dead film, thanks to a lethal added ingredient: hormones. Sam Raimi wasn't much past twenty when he directed his debut feature, and a lot of the actors were actually around the college age of their characters. Which meant most of them dated each other at some point before or since.
Which is quite heart-warming in a way, even if none of the cast or crew remain together today. Somewhat more chilling is the story reported by Bruce Campbell in his autobiography If Chins Could Kill, wherein a couple of the skeleton extras from the climactic battle in Army Of Darkness were caught, ahem, “boning” in an unused set...