12 Things You Learn Rewatching GoldenEye

9. Samantha Bond Is The Best Moneypenny (So Far)

Goldeneye Moneypenny Pierce Brosnan

Miss Moneypenny is one of the most iconic characters in the Bond series, and here she receives her second recasting, with Samantha Bond now playing the part in her first of four outings.

Even ignoring her gloriously appropriate name, Bond is by far the best of the three Moneypenny iterations up to this point: Lois Maxwell had an undeniable old-school charm, though her fawning over 007 started to feel desperate after a while, and Caroline Bliss' younger, sexier version didn't ever really touch the sides.

Samantha Bond's iteration is another example of the film's general sense of compromise: she's not offensively younger than Pierce Brosnan and gives Bond a dressing-down about his sexist ways, but still wants to make out with him (and in a rarity, actually does).

Though she was arguably outdone by Naomie Harris' new interpretation in the Daniel Craig years, Samantha Bond was nevertheless a breath of fresh air given how mouldy the character had begun to feel by this point.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.