12 Things You Learn Rewatching Spectre

5. Madeleine Swann's Arc Is Just Terrible

Spectre Lea Seydoux James Bond
Columbia Pictures/MGM

Léa Seydoux is pretty much a perfect casting choice to play a Bond girl: she's beautiful, has an air of class about her, and as her role in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol proved, she sure can handle herself physically.

It's enormously disappointing how fatally the movie mishandles her character, then. She's initially introduced as a stern foil for Bond, but soon enough she's getting drunk, telling Bond she won't jump into bed with him, and then 15 minutes later does so regardless. Apparently Hinx's death made her all kinds of horny.

For the rest of the movie she just becomes a bit of a wet blanket, largely following Bond's lead and eventually becoming a typical damsel-in-distress for her troubles.

Plus, Bond swanning off (sorry) with her at the end of the movie never felt especially earned: he had far more convincing chemistry with both Vesper (Eva Green) and Camille (Olya Kurylenko), and it sure didn't help that Seydoux is almost 20 years Daniel Craig's junior.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.