12 Things You Missed From The Logan Trailer
X-Men goes full meta.

Logan is easily one of the year's most anticipated films, superhero flick or not, promising a bleak, R-rated comic book movie like nothing else out there. If it lives up to its potential, it could be nothing short of a classic.
With the release of the second (and hopefully final) trailer, Logan not only cements its incredible promise but also reveals some more interesting morsels of information, some in plain sight and others barely there or in a few cases even actively hidden.
We've dug deep into every frame of the trailer to pull out those little details that can easily pass you by, as fans continue to speculate on quite what's going to happen while the agonising wait for the movie to release continues to count down.
Here are 12 things you missed in the Logan trailer...
12. The Jim Croce Connection

There's an Easter egg in the very first shot of the new Logan trailer: as Laura aka X-23 (Taylor Kinney) is snacking on some Pringles in the convenience store, Jim Croce's classic song "I Got A Name" can be heard faintly playing over the PA system.
This is definitely an intentional nod to the fact that Croce's song "Time in a Bottle" was used so memorably during Quicksilver's iconic scene from Days of Future Past.
If you want to reach, it gets weirder when you consider that the clerk in the convenience store bears an incredible resemblance to Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who of course played Quicksilver in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's version of the character.