12 Upcoming Movie Sequels Nobody Asked For

2. Death Note 2

Netflix Death Note

Release Date: TBA

Netflix's adaptation of classic manga Death Note was met with an intensely hostile reaction from fans, enough that many immediately assumed there was no way it'd earn a sequel.

But because the streaming giant isn't reliant on box office receipts, they greenlit a follow-up after the first film was considered a "sizeable" success (meaning it pulled in mad streaming metrics).

There's no concrete date for production or release yet, but the script is currently being penned by newcomer Greg Russo, with most of the primary cast expected to return.

Seriously, Netflix, of all the things you could invest money in, this is what you're settling for?

Could It Be Any Good?: Even if Russo listens to the vocal complaints about the first film, it's incredibly unlikely that Netflix will want much deviation from the Y.A. tone that seemingly made the original so appealing across a wide spectrum.

It could improve upon the first, at least, but that's hardly saying much, is it?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.