12 Upcoming Movies That Could Change Things Forever

4. 2017's Wolverine 3 Is Hugh Jackman's Final Movie In The Role

As much as anyone hates to admit it, Hugh Jackman is starting to get old. Though the 45-year-old looks better than just anyone his age could hope to, soon enough he will get to a point where playing the ageless, musclebound Wolverine will just be too demanding on his body, and that's probably not miles away from now. Jackman's upcoming X-Men commitments are 2016's X-Men: Apocalypse and 2017's third Wolverine movie, and beyond that, is it particularly realistic that he will continue playing the character into his fifties? Everyone remembers how embarrassing it was when Roger Moore kept playing the James Bond role past his prime, and with a part like Wolverine, which requires infinitely more physicality than that, it has the potential to look even worse. Granted, Jackman is aging much better than Moore so far, and he probably could play the part into his early fifties by coasting on his sheer popularity alone (just as Moore did), though eventually, fans will have to face facts that the X-Men series' mascot is going to be recast. Nobody wants it to happen, but it's inevitable.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.