12 Upcoming Movies That Could Change Things Forever

12. Batman v Superman's Success Leads To Numerous (Unnecessary) Crossover Films

Few will dispute the fact that Zack Snyder's massively-anticipated Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is going to print money regardless of whether it's very good. Even those who didn't like the director's Man of Steel are probably going to be lining up on day one to see how the superhero showdown plays out, because frankly, there's never been a comic book movie this audacious ever attempted. Even if it only ends up with 10% on Rotten Tomatoes, there's no way it's going to make less money than Man of Steel, and with the movie's certain success, it will likely cause studios to begin producing just about every gimmicky crossover movie they can think of. Sure, cinema has already had the likes of Godzilla vs. King Kong and Alien vs Predator, though expect all sorts of cinema properties to be pitted against one another: perhaps Hasbro will finally agree to a Transformers-G.I. Joe crossover, for one, and what about Robocop vs. Terminator? Once studios realise that there's an audience for squaring like-minded properties off against each other, they'll probably take the idea a little more seriously, given that to date the crossover movie has never really had much audience appeal (the AvP movies made money, but everyone hated them). Cue lots of needless crossover flicks that help saturate the blockbuster market even more.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.